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What we do

Revelation Specific Services

Sprezzatura - what we do
  • Training - classroom or goal oriented
  • Code reviews - to ensure that your team are programming optimally. This can be provided as a one off service or as an ongoing resource.
  • Web Audits - to ensure that your customer facing web sites are secure from attack and follow best practices
  • Consultancy - as the consultant's consultancy we provide in depth technical analysis and ongoing support to resolve your Revelation based issues
  • Software Development - we develop complete applications to your specification, delivering in weeks what takes others months
  • Legacy Software Support - if your provider is no longer available we can help you continue running with your legacy Revelation based products
  • Technical Support - technical worries are a thing of the past with our Pay As You Go support services
  • Integration Services - we can make your Revelation based system talk to external applications by such diverse technologies as .NET, web services, OLE, ODBC, FTP or more traditional DLL based interfaces
  • Data Export - any Revelation data source can be normalised and exported either as a one off or as part of a scheduled data warehousing service
  • OLE Integration - we can provide wrappers around custom controls to simplify your integration tasks

In addition to Revelation's tools we also have internal proficiency in a diverse range of other languages including

  • C++
  • C#
  • Delphi
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • XML
  • Assembler
  • CoBOL
  • ForTran
  • Assorted dialects of BASIC
What we don't do

We don't specialise in any one vertical market -rather we specialise in making databases happen.

We don't specialise with any one particular client size - our clients range from one person businesses to some of the largest corporations in the world.

We don't specialise in any one geographic area - we have clients in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Australasia.

We don't only write for the private sector - our clients include Government departments around the world.

We don't specialise in any one delivery platform - we deliver solutions in the form that meets our client's requirements best, be that desktop, web browser, tablet or mobile device.

We don't only write desktop applications software - we provide through the line solutions from native Windows Services to Web Services and all points in between. We deliver what you need to make your enterprise work.

We don't think that large development teams are necessarily the best way to go - rather using PRINCE project management methodologies and small agile teams we deliver rapid applications development.

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