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Client Server Corner - SQL Server Data Loading Part II - Bill Wolff

MSSQL_C Really Does the Work

The same principles can be applied at an even lower level of the bond technology. Ultimately, all access to SQL Server is converted to MSSQL_C calls. This is the C program that links Arev to the network named pipes facility. This takes more work for the programmer but much less for the bond. Connections and data segments must be handled directly in the program but can be released when processing is complete. This frees resources in Arev and in SQL Server which might improve overall performance on a loaded LAN. The source code is littered with MSSQL_C calls:

0001    /*
0002      Wolff Data Systems
0003      Arev copy with mssql example
0004      MSSQL_C calls to insert each record
0005  minutes
0006    */
0007    declare subroutine mssql_c
0008    open 'MASTER' to f_master then
0009      * make connection
0010      mssql_c_dat = xlate( 'VERBS', 'MSSQL_C_DAT', '', 'X')
0011      mssql_c( 1, errflag, errstr, mssql_c_dat)
0012      mssql_c(2,'SERVER','sa','','WDS_TEST','OPTI_386',dbprocess, errflag,
0013            errstr, mssql_c_dat)
0014      mssql_c(4,dbprocess,'usetest',errflag,errstr,mssql_c_dat)
0015      * read records
0016      select f_master
0017      done = ''
0018      count = 0
0019      p_dos = 0
0020      error = ''
0021      call dostime( start)
0022      loop until done
0023       count += 1
0024       readnext k_master then
0025        read r_master from f_master, k_master then
0026        r_master_sql = '(':k_master:',"':field(r_master,@fm,1,7)
0027        r_master_sql< 8> = r_master< 8, 1>
0028        r_master_sql< 9> = r_master< 8, 2>
0029        r_master_sql< 10> = r_master< 8, 3>
0030        r_master_sql< 11> = field( r_master, @fm, 9, 3)
0031        r_master_sql< 14> = oconv( r_master< 12>, 'D4-')
0032        r_master_sql< 15> = oconv( r_master< 13>, 'D4-')
0033        r_master_sql< 16> = r_master< 15>
0034        r_master_sql< 17> = r_master< 16>: '")'
0035        swap @fm with '","' in r_master_sql
0036        r_master_sql[ 1, 0] = 'insert into master_sql values '
0037        mssql_c(4,dbprocess,r_master_sql,errflag,errstr, mssql_c_dat)
0038        print @( 0, 21): count 'R#5':
0039        if errflag then error< -1> = errflag: ',': errstr
0040       end
0041      end else done = 1
0042      repeat
0043      call dostime( finish)
0044      call msg( finish - start, '', '', '')
0045      oswrite error on 'error.sql'
0046      * close connection
0047      mssql_c( 14, dbprocess, errflag, errstr, mssql_c_dat)
0048    end

Equate statements can be used in place of the integer in the first MSSQL_C parameter. Only about 10 calls are used routinely so the numbers are easy to remember. Line 11 grabs the data segment from VERBS. Line 12 checks that the DBNMPIPE network named pipe utility is functioning. Line 13 connects to the server and line 14 sets the current database. The SQL INSERT statements are built the same as the previous example and match the syntax normally generated by the bond. Error handling is slightly different because MSSQL_C returns ample information about server connection problems. These errors are coded in errflag and explanatory text is stored in errstr. Line 46 closes the connection and frees the associated Arev and server memory.

Note that the DBPROCESS and MSSQL_C_DAT data segment variables are necessary for most of these calls. It is possible to have multiple connections open to the SQL Server. This is often done for routines that read the results of a complicated query and update individual rows from that query. Client server projects that rely heavily on MSSQL_C for performance often store open connection variables in labelled commons. This saves a few steps in each program and further improves performance at the expense of reserved server memory (only 42K per connection). This method gets down to the lowest level but requires the highest level of programmer proficiency. The test file took only 16 minutes which is 25% of the bonded file method. This approach is applicable to other Arev bonding tasks like complicated entry windows and custom popups.

SQL Server Bulk Copy

The last method requires an extra step outside of Arev but performs the best. The source records are parsed into text strings with each field separated by a tab (\09\) character. The lines are carriage return/line feed (\0A0D\) terminated. This format is compatible with the SQL Server BCP utility which is used for data loading. The code runs very fast since we do not wait for a response from SQL Server for each row. The combined time for Arev and BCP is only 8 minutes which is half that of MSSQL_C. There are also no server connections established from Arev. The code follows:

0001    /*
0002      Wolff Data Systems
0003      Arev to bulkcopy example
0004      Build text file with formatted data and call BCP to import into table
0005  minutes in Arev, 3 minutes in BCP
0006    */
0007    open 'MASTER' to f_master then
0008      oswrite '' on 'c:\sql\master.sql'
0009      osopen 'c:\sql\master.sql' to f_dos then
0010       select f_master
0011       done = ''
0012       count = 0
0013       p_dos = 0
0014       error = ''
0015       call dostime( start)
0016       loop until done
0017        count += 1
0018        print @( 0, 21): count:
0019        readnext k_master then
0020         read r_master from f_master, k_master then
0021           r_master_sql = k_master:\09\:field(r_master,@fm,1,7)
0022           r_master_sql< 8> = r_master< 8, 1>
0023           r_master_sql< 9> = r_master< 8, 2>
0024           r_master_sql< 10> = r_master< 8, 3>
0025           r_master_sql< 11> = field( r_master, @fm, 9, 3)
0026           r_master_sql< 14> = oconv( r_master< 12>, 'D4-')
0027           r_master_sql< 15> = oconv( r_master< 13>, 'D4- ')
0028           r_master_sql< 16> = field(r_master,@fm,15,2):\0D0A\
0029           convert @fm to \09\ in r_master_sql
0030           osbwrite r_master_sql on f_dos at p_dos
0031           p_dos += len( r_master_sql)
0032         end
0033        end else done = 1
0034       repeat
0035       call dostime( finish)
0036       call msg( finish - start, '', '', '')
0037       oswrite error on 'error.sql' ;* what's this?
0038       osclose f_dos
0039       * import records, assumes file already exists on server
0040       suspend 'bcp test..master_sql in c:\sql\master.sql /c /U sa /P
             /S server /m 1000'

0041      end
0042    end

Line 40 is the bulk copy utility which is in the DOS path. BCP has numerous parameters that allow it to support various input formats. ASCII text, CSV, and internal data types are supported. An input script details the file layout and specific field data types. This script is not necessary if the data is loaded in character (/c) format which is tab separated strings. In this case, SQL Server converts each field into the proper internal format. BCP is often used to transfer data from one SQL Server to another where internal data formats are normally maintained. The other parameters are explained below:

   test..master_sql     full table name including database in data flow
                        direction, could be out
   c:\sql\master.sql    DOS data file created in Arev
   /c                   character data, separate with tabs
   /U sa                user login id
   /P                   password
   /S server            server name
   /m 1000              number of errors to allow

The errors can be written to a text file with the /e option. This log can be studied for data problems. The /b batchsize parameter is useful with very large imports because it commits rows at a specified interval. Otherwise, all rows must be read with less errors than specified with /m or the entire load is rejected. This transaction approach to data loading is central to the security and reliability that makes SQL Server so popular.

One other note is worth discussing. With many data files to process, consider running the Arev ASCII export on one machine and the BCP on another. Better yet, run BCP directly on the OS/2 system hosting SQL Server. The data will load much quicker when local pipes are used instead of named pipes (no network traffic).


All four data loading methods arrive at the same result. The data is transferred to SQL Server and ready for query and application processing. With a little work, the load time can be reduced dramatically. There are other issues like transaction logging that might effect your implementation. Run a few tests and develop your own approach. If you have questions, post them on Compuserve in the OS2/SQL section of the Revelation forum.

(Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 11-13)
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