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2.1 Highlights

A brief look at some of the un(der)documented features of Release 2.1


A new function has been added to the basic compiler called INDEXC. This takes exactly the same parameters as INDEX but is case insensitive. Thus PRINT INDEX("Hello there","E",1) would print 0 whilst PRINT INDEXC("Hello there","E",1) would print 2


A new @Variable which does not seem to be used!


A new command window for editing language sets or adding new ones. To use just type CW LND_EDIT at TCL. (If you are not in SYSPROG SETFILE to SYSTEM to use this)


It is not fair to call this routine undocumented as it is the subject of a Technical Bulletin. For those of you who do not subscribe to TBs it is a function returning a success/failure flag which loads the passed variable with the current system configuration options - see INCLUDE GETCONFIGURE_EQUS.


Some of the insert blocks in INCLUDE have been extended to include previously undocumented information. Well worth perusing.


Case insensitive comparison operators. Leading _ is to prevent confusion with existing variables. (Stop Press - Subject of new TB)


Whilst these continue to be defined in the environment window, the value established for the selected printer will override this value. Thus if the environment is set to 63,132 and a printer is made active with a setting of 66,80 this will become the current setting.


A new labelled common area containing information specific to the current selected printer driver.

     A    Screen Attributes - a dynamic array having 6 fields containing
          escape sequences for the display driver. A missing background byte
          is indicated by a * rather than the traditional CHAR(127). The
          layout of the variable follows - .
          < 1 >     MVed list of escape sequences for all permitted display
          < 2 >     MVed list of escape sequences for "beginning" display
                    < 2, 1 >  Bold
                    < 2, 2 >  Italic
                    < 2, 3 >  Underline
                    < 2, 4 >  Subscript
                    < 2, 5 >  Superscript
                    < 2, 6 >  Enhanced
                    < 2, 7 >  Wide
          < 3 >     MVed list of escape sequences for "ending" as < 2 >
          < 4 >     Initialize escape sequence
          < 5 >     MVed list of escape sequences for  "beginning" fonts,
                    MVs 1 to 16 represent Fonts 1 to 16
          < 6 >     MVed list of escape sequences for "ending" as < 5 >

     B    Printer Commands - a dynamic array having 11 fields, some of which
          are only used by PostScript printers. As the PostScript drivers
          are still subject to change these areas will not be discussed in

          < 1 >     MVed list of command strings to set colours.
          < 2 >     MVed list of command strings for "beginning" print
                    commands as in A< 2 >
          < 3 >     MVed list of command strings for "ending" print commands
                    as in A< 3 >
          < 4 >     Command sequences for special printer modes
                    < 4, 1 >  Initialise
                    < 4, 2 >  Prelude
                    < 4, 3 >  End of Job
          < 5 >     MVed list of command strings for "beginning" fonts, as
                    A<5 >.
          < 6 >     MVed list of command strings for "ending" fonts, as
                    A< 6 >.
          < 7 >     MVed list of font names.
          < 8 >     Currently Unused
          < 9 >     MVed list of names associated with < 1 >. (PostScript)
          < 10 >    Code Sets for Printer Processes
                    < 10, 1 > Printer Open
                    < 10, 2 > Printer Close
          < 11 >    Command Sets for Printer Processes (as 10)

     C    Printer Info
          < 1 >     Printer Number
          < 2 >     Printer Status  1 = Open 2 = Closed
          < 3 >     Used by PostScript Driver
(Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 11,12)
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