Utility Diskette # 3 - Part ITo ensure that the latest diskette is given the attention it deserves the contents are outlined below. See on-disk documentation for version compatibility and author information. The diskette consists of a group of AREV files on the root directory in account global (DISKETTE_THREE_BP, DISKETTE_THREE_DOCS, DISKETTE_THREE_HELP, DISKETTE_THREE_MACROS, DISKETTE_THR EE_MENUS, DISKETTE_THREE_TEMPLATES). There are three subdirectories, DOS, GRAPHICS and PROBANK. DOS contains some DOS specific utilities, GRAPHICS contains a complete set of graphics related C programs and PROBANK contains a shareware graphing utility we are pleased to include for your trial. Additional documentation on the GRAPHICS and PROBANK subdirectories can be found in DISKETTE_THREE_DOCS. If any additional routines have documentation in this file, the routines are marked with a ¯ Note that in keeping with our policy, source code is provided for all AREV routines and most of the assembler routines. As there was so much code the diskette has been "PAKed" - see the on-diskette README files for details of how to extract the information. TCL UTILITIESACCTVIDE Change Account Video from Colour to Monochrome and vice versa. ASCII Popup ASCII chart including non-printable characters. BCS.EDIT.DOS ¯ Used in conjunction with macro keys to facilitate moving records between DOS and AREV. BCS.FIND.TEXT ¯ Fully featured text search facility - permits definitions of files to search, case sensitivity et al. Uses two templates. BCS.GRAPHIC ¯ Used in conjunction with macro keys to facilitate the addition of graphics (box characters) into a template. BCS.SORT ¯ A front end to the use of V119 (the sort processor) in extended mode. BOX Permits the user to draw boxes on windows simply by moving the cursor keys. Intelligent intersection handling and user defined colours and box types. Optimises the label image to ensure that minimum space is taken on disk. Copes with large virtual windows. Useful keystrokes include <Enter> to toggle drawing mode, <F2> to change box type and <Ctrl-U/D/L/R> for "fast draw" mode. 386/486 users might like to put a delay loop into the code for "fast draw". CHOOSE ¯ A TCL "Select" processor. Allows the user to view a popup of records in a file and tag them for return as an active select list. CLEANMEDIA Deletes orphaned DOS REV files. CLEANVOC Deletes orphaned VOC entries. COPY.MANY.FILES Supporting routine for collector window of same name. Provides ability to batch filecopies. FIELD.MOVE Allows TCL update of field contents without SQL. FIND.BP Routine to search for a string in a file. FW Routine to find a string in a file. Object code only. HPII ¯ Permits the control of an HPII Laserjet from TCL. HPIII ¯ Permits the control of an HPIII Laserjet from TCL. MENU.TREE Prints menu tree for system MOVEACCT Moves all base files for an account from REVBOOT to a nominated volume and creates unique user records. OUTPUT_VIEWER ¯ Utility to view and selectively print pages of reports re-directed to an ASCII file using the PDISK command. Excellent demonstration of the use of VSPACE. PALETTE Displays a colour palette and permits the user to read off the AREV and DOS video attributes for a particular colour combination. POPCAL ¯ Multi function popup calendar. PRINT_TEMPLATE ¯ Prints a screen template layout for subsequent capture for documentation purposes. REBUILD.INDEX Permits the rebuilding of indexes from TCL. REN ¯ Permits the renaming of records with a simple TCL statement. Includes the ability to rename $, * and VOC pointers with a simple command line modifier. SCALC Programmable scientific calculator with just about everything you could want from a calculator including the ability to write your own routines to hook into the calculator. It even copes with imaginary numbers! SCAN Displays scan codes for entered keystrokes in an on-screen window. SKELETON Updated version of routine to generate commuter code for templates. Includes support for 2.1 features, better support for commuter windows and support for lower case code and WINDOW_COMMON%. SNAPSHOT ¯ Sophisticated routine for taking pictures of AREV screens. USERVIDE Change User Video from Colour to Monochrome and vice versa. VOLTRNS ¯ This program will change the Media name and/or the Account for the file in a volume - and will modify the index definitions for any indexed files in that volume, thus indexes will not have to be rebuilt when redefining a volume's Media or Account. WINDONE Closes window after save if called with an explicit record key. YN.MSG Prompts for Y/N - needed in some of above routines. Continued in Utility Diskette # 3 - Part II (Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 4-6) |
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