QTIPS - Descending Order Quickdex/RightdexesIf it is ever required to quickdex or rightdex a file in descending order this may be accomplished using the system subroutine LRDEX.SUB. This is essentially an MFS shell with one extra parameter at the end - the sort order. The calling parameters are Lrdex.Sub(Code,BFS,Handle,Name,FMC,Record,Status,S_Order) Thus to add a descending rightdex to a file one could create an MFS as follows 0001 Subroutine DR_MFS( A, B, C ,D, E, F, G) 0002 call lrdex.sub(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,"DR") 0003 Return Then add DR_MFS as the last multivalue of attribute 2 of the REVMEDIA record. Note that this is the simplest form of MFS shell possible - additional logic could easily be built in to exclude specific records from the sorted list etc. (Volume 3, Issue 10, Page 4) |
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