Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Ulvl%The user level of the window. If the @Privilege level of the user is greater than this value then the user will be denied access unless a password is specified (see WC_UPSWD%) and the user correctly enters it. If the @Privilege level of the user is less than or equal to this value then s/he will be permitted access. Note that SYSPROG access ignores all level/password checks. The 2.12 docs record the following re: additional security possible in this release. "At Restriction level, add the following code in place of an integer security level value @code command@, where code and command are any valid code and command values. For example, @S SECURE_TEST@ would execute the subroutine called SECURE_TEST when the menu processor reaches the security level evaluation stage. Your code and command subroutine must set @ANS to either 1 or to 0. If 0, then menu processing proceeds as if the check of security level had failed." (Volume 3, Issue 10, Page 11) |
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