@ATTACK - @Last.ErrorVariable set by the system to indicate the success or failure of various operations. This variable can have a number of values depending upon the operation responsible for its assignment. The values returned relate to record keys of items found in the file REVERROR.000. The most common values begin with B (for compiler errors) or D (for debugger errors). The two most commonly used are B0 compilation successful) and B10 (compilation aborted). This variable can be used in determining the success of an operation such as a compilation under program control, eg 0001 PERFORM "BASIC BP TEST" 0002 BEGIN CASE 0003 CASE @LAST.ERROR = "B0" 0004 GOSUB OK 0005 CASE @LAST.ERROR = "B10" 0006 GOSUB BAD_STATEMENT 0007 CASE @LAST.ERROR = "B113" 0008 GOSUB TERM_MISSING 0009 etc. Cannot be amended. (Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 10) |
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